



 この記事を読んだ時、下半身麻痺が本当にあったのかどうか疑問に思い、調べてみた。参考にしたのは、About M:Monique van der Vorst 本人のHPMSN Japan - ニュース, 天気, メール (Outlook, Hotmail), Bing検索, Skypeである。障害の経過を再構成すると、次のようになる。

 Monique has been in a wheelchair since 1998, when her left leg was paralysed and her right knee stopped working properly. Due to a car accident in 2008, Monique got an incomplete Spinal Cord Injury at T4.

 Van der Vorst says she initially lost feeling in her legs after suffering nerve damage from an ankle operation when she was 13. That problem was compounded by a later car accident in which her spine was injured.
(The Body Oddより)


In spring 2000, Monique participated in her first attachable handcycle race.

In 2001, she became the European Champion on the Road Race and Time Trial and she won the European Handcycling Competition (EHC) for the first time.


(2007)But things changes when Monique got hit by a car on the 2nd of May. She was driving her car and the other car didn’t see her and smashed her firmly. Monique had to go to the hospital and they concluded a Whiplash. It tooks 6 months of recuperation to get back on the track.
(2008)During a training in Tampa, USA on 20th of April Monique and her trainingpartner Chris Peterson were hit by a car. Monique was unconsious for a while and had to be transported to the hospital by helicopter. Monique had a heavy concussion and a whiplash (again). She had a lot of pain and stayed in the hospital for a while.
Due to a fracture in her back, Monique got a Spinal Cord Injury at T4, but incomplete.


(2010)Again I got involved in an accident, followed by a long period in the hospital. I got a lot spasm in my legs and suddenly I felt some twinklings in my paralysed legs. It was so strange because I hadn’t felt anything in my left leg for 12 years. Later I could move my legs a bit and from that moment I really tried everything to get my legs working again. I spend months in the hospital and rehab centre, but now I am walking again after being in a wheelchair for almost 13 years! To be continued...

While in the hospital after the collision with the bicyclist, van der Vorst says she suddenly developed a tingling in her legs -- and within a year she was walking again. This week the announcement came that she’d joined a pro-cycling team and was looking forward to competing at the Olympics as an able-bodied athlete.
(The Body Oddより)


Van der Vorst’s doctors haven’t been able to come up with an explanation for her miraculous recovery -- and neither could any of the doctors interviewed by msnbc.com.
(The Body Oddより)

 UCLAのDr. Bruce Dobkinなどのコメントが紹介されているが、医師は誰も適切な説明ができないと結論づけている。
